Friday, July 14, 2006

Sum GREAT Films!!

nah! i didn't see any great film this evening.

Quick reference to my flatmate: the geek - We decided to get a DVD and munchies, invite some friends round and make a night of it. So three of the guys go to the video store to get a decent film. i'm thinking we're probably not going to get a chick flick so that's great. might get an action film or maybe a comedy. Great - i can cope with that quite happily.
So they come back with two films i've never heard of: 'Anchorman' and 'Munich'.

The first was major slapstick comedy. I could cope with it, but made mental note never to watch it again. The second was unbelievably ...umm... Wrong!!! Just wasn't right that films like that are made. Something about athletes taken hostage and killed - the action is over in the first ten minutes. And then this guy is told to go kill the 11 guys who were responsible for the original killings.
It's set in the 70's with weird shirts and tight jeans. It shows a pregnant woman having sex, a guy getting his face blown out but staying alive and having to hold it together. More unneccesary deaths which aren't explained at all, Stabbing of people in the head...URGH!!!!

And i'm bored stiff - really not my type of film AT ALL!
I asked one of the guys who chose the films ('cos they're both really pants) and i'm told Dan the Man - the Geekster himself - was the one who chose them.

Mental Note - NEVER...EVER...let him choose a dvd for a flat night in.

(are you seeing how shallow my life is at the minute??!! i'm LOVING it!)

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