Friday, June 30, 2006


so I was out with some folk from work and one of the girls - her husband is an IT person and all the other IT guys socialise by playing networked games and eating crap on a friday after work. Oh Boy, what a life!!! Those are Geeks, she said. i'd forgotten all about that term - i'm not into labelling people.
However, for the occasion i'm afraid i'm going to have to label the new flatmate. Yup, put him into a box, stereotype him.
He's a GEEK!! Through and through! (glad i have other flatmates to communicate with).
Not only does this guy hide in his room to play XBox games, or spend too much money on a massive TV (we don't mind) and appear to make a point of collecting remote controls for all his useless systems, but he's also IT teacher in high school. Head of the department and in charge of all gadgets, big and small.
So why am i bothered? i'm not really, except that there seems to be a small percentage of people who grate on my nerves and he's one of them. At least if I have a reason for it then i don't appear so heartless.
Yup, i think that's it. My excuse :)
Maybe I'll become more accepting of his annoying habits over time (I've already got him to rinse the sink properly after he shaves)

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Prison Break

Am i the only Prison Break addict?
it's fantastic! i got hooked in Britain after taking note of the third episode. It's now out in New Zealand on it's second week and i'm able to catch up and see what i missed on the previous episodes that i never paid any attention to. There was a song used in the UK ad for prison break that i've tried to find and download 'cos it's well cool, but no luck! can't find it anywhere. in fact, i don't think i found any song for playing related to the program.
i have to admit, i much prefer the older brother rather than the sexy michael who's probably supposed to take all the female attention.
really glad to say this is the only program i take note of when it's on. a flatmate of mine seems to revolve his spare time between playstation and TV. boy - and i thought i was a bum!!

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

My Car

Alright, so it's not my car anymore. SHAME!!!!
I was a tad disappointed to leave my beautiful car behind. i figure a car tells a lot about someones personality so i'm introducing you to my car. it's a rover 420, diesel, 2.0 litre engine with a sunroof and electric windows and all that wonderful stuff.
I like big cars and i'm a bit miffed to have picked up a cheap little WHITE car (urgh!!), nissan sentra, 1.4 litre engine. petrol. nothing like the power in my rover and the colour's definately nothing to be proud of. no sunroof. and no electrics either. never mind. i'll replace it once i can afford something better.
Yes - i am sad enough to be obsessed with my car. I'm not the type to give a car a name though. i just referred to it as 'my beautiful car'.

One day i plan to have a BMW or mercedes. i'm more or a BMW person but i'd quite happily have a mercedes 'cos they move real good and are well comfy (you should be impressed at my wonderful use of english)!
i'll let you kinow when i find one :)

Tuesday again :)

and it's the last tuesday before holidays. a whole big two weeks!
you know - i only went into teacher for the holidays and i go a do the most stupid thing. started working in the UK in september at the beginning of the academic year. The academic year ends in July and they're off for 6 weeks. I moved to New Zealand in April the following year and start work term 2 New Zealand time. That means I work straight through without any big phat summer holidays until december. I'm definately overworked.
looking forward to next term - i get to teach music and ICT. Fantastic, eh! i don't think anyone should be stuck teaching one subject all the time. the NZ teaching diploma is better cos you focus on two subjects rather than just one...that appears to be the case, anyways.
i had my hair cut last night - a friend who's a hairdresser. what a good person to have as a friend :) i think my hair was the longest it's been and was just annoying me a tad too much and now i've lost about two thirds of it. fantastic!!!! The kids seemed to like it and they have no qualms about saying when something looks ugly so i'm guessing that's a good sign.

Friday, June 23, 2006

My sister's been looking at feminist arguments on other people's blogs. I'm a bit of a feminist (that's a bit of an understatement) and I haven't even decided if my sister's a feminist or not. I guess she is if i'm using my own definition, but there's so many different definitions! i even checked the dictionary and it can't decide either. Says that "Feminism is a diverse collection of social theories, political movements, and moral philosophies, largely motivated by or concerning the experiences of women."
Right, so it began with the whole political suffragette thing...or WAIT!! maybe it began with the revolte against expectations of woman. Who knows...? Either way, We're where we are today because some forward thinking ladies spoke back. Good on them, I say.

Back to Normal!

hey - so, this has been an interesting week. heck of a lot has happened including all my paperwork for the visa being sorted out with three different companies within a matter of days. this means i eventually have my qualifications assessed, i'll soon have professional registration, i'm also gonna get my visa through (although i'll still be illegal for a miniscule period of time, hence i'm not telling anyone who i am), and to top it all i'll be able to get paid something more than minimum rate as soon as i get that final application form in. can't wait!!!

yup - i'm a bit side tracked at the moment. that visa's been a bit of a bum, to say the least!
and its been a fun couple days: went to a concert this evening after a heck of a long time. i think the last time i went to a 'proper' concert was way back in 2000. that was when i helped out in the concert as a music student - meant i got a free ticket. So i'm sat at the back listening to the music, noticing the bits i like. impressed at the playing but not really too excited by the music. Thinking of nothing and falling asleep at the back i again wonder to myself why i ever decided to do music? Interval comes and i figure there's no point staying for the rest of the concert.

That was the end! No more classical music concerts for me. Figure there was no point seeing i wasn't interested in having a life revolving round music like most of these musicians. I did go to one concert since then - Gladys Knight. didn't even know who she was, but really enjoyed it and am now converted to Gospel Music.

It's now halfway through 2006 and just began a new era in my life. An era where i can go to a concert and not be put into the box which looks like, is shaped like, and even has a sign over the top of it saying, "MUSICIAN RESIDES HERE!!"
It was well fun...and i got it for next to nothing 'cos i happen to know one of the people who were performing :) AH, Life is Good.

To continue the theme, i've also just joined up with a pretty decent brass band. it's a good few years since i've played properly and i sound pants!! But, I'm all for getting myself back up to a decent level and this'll give me the motivation that i don't have in me.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Life to date

Now, since i have nothing to talk about, perhaps i can share some of my boring life? this is definately the wrong time to be starting a blog - i've just been through a good few years of fun activity (life/career decisions and cool philisophical insights) and just now all i really want to do is have a steady job, earn a decent wage and watch TV in the evenings between any sports that i decide to take up.
i moved to New Zealand a couple months ago - best decision ever!! i think i've spent about 5 years going from place to place in england, from university course to job to volunteer work to university course and back to job, from holiday to holiday, and not finding a place anywhere that i feel comfortable enough to settle. Everytime i moved there was nothing to hold me or engage me and i spent the whole time looking for alternate solutions to the current life i was leading.

well, here i am in New Zealand...loving it!!!!
i feel free :) goodness knows why people stay in Britain - oh wait, i forget: young people keep on leaving Britain for other countries. You think the government ever stopped to think about WHY their citizens insist on leaving? Population in the UK has increased massively thanks to the freedom of the European Union. seems to me the only reason why people go to the UK is for the money.
well, enough of that gripe. If Tony Blair feels the need to let the money of the UK be sucked out of the country and sent overseas by foreign travellers, then i guess that's his problem.

1st blog!!!

so today is a monumental day!! i've just opened my first blog :)
hmm - sounds like i plan to open more...probably will depending on what ideas or information i fancy sharing over the course of time.
right - it's 18th June 2006 and i actually don't know what on earth to put on here. does anyone have any suggestions as to what you might like to see on my blog?
and is a blog just a bunch of posts that people can read and enjoy or reply to? is that it? or am i missing something with all this blog mania. feel free to fill me in.