Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Tuesday again :)

and it's the last tuesday before holidays. a whole big two weeks!
you know - i only went into teacher for the holidays and i go a do the most stupid thing. started working in the UK in september at the beginning of the academic year. The academic year ends in July and they're off for 6 weeks. I moved to New Zealand in April the following year and start work term 2 New Zealand time. That means I work straight through without any big phat summer holidays until december. I'm definately overworked.
looking forward to next term - i get to teach music and ICT. Fantastic, eh! i don't think anyone should be stuck teaching one subject all the time. the NZ teaching diploma is better cos you focus on two subjects rather than just one...that appears to be the case, anyways.
i had my hair cut last night - a friend who's a hairdresser. what a good person to have as a friend :) i think my hair was the longest it's been and was just annoying me a tad too much and now i've lost about two thirds of it. fantastic!!!! The kids seemed to like it and they have no qualms about saying when something looks ugly so i'm guessing that's a good sign.

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