Sunday, June 18, 2006

Life to date

Now, since i have nothing to talk about, perhaps i can share some of my boring life? this is definately the wrong time to be starting a blog - i've just been through a good few years of fun activity (life/career decisions and cool philisophical insights) and just now all i really want to do is have a steady job, earn a decent wage and watch TV in the evenings between any sports that i decide to take up.
i moved to New Zealand a couple months ago - best decision ever!! i think i've spent about 5 years going from place to place in england, from university course to job to volunteer work to university course and back to job, from holiday to holiday, and not finding a place anywhere that i feel comfortable enough to settle. Everytime i moved there was nothing to hold me or engage me and i spent the whole time looking for alternate solutions to the current life i was leading.

well, here i am in New Zealand...loving it!!!!
i feel free :) goodness knows why people stay in Britain - oh wait, i forget: young people keep on leaving Britain for other countries. You think the government ever stopped to think about WHY their citizens insist on leaving? Population in the UK has increased massively thanks to the freedom of the European Union. seems to me the only reason why people go to the UK is for the money.
well, enough of that gripe. If Tony Blair feels the need to let the money of the UK be sucked out of the country and sent overseas by foreign travellers, then i guess that's his problem.

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