i'm sitting at work, it's 9.20 and i'm already bored. i've been hired to answer phones and be the welcoming face that people see when they come in, covering until a new receptionist is hired. Unfortunately life here is a tad boring. ah - the post has arrived. that'll keep me a little bit busy for the next 5 minutes.
Here's a time that i never thought i'd see: yes - if they ask me to wrk next week, i might have to say no. when there's a chance of free money, i should really take it and enjoy it but this free money is doing my head in! ah the joys.
had a few interviews but nothing much. i'm gonna go round next week and bug some of these people, maybe call up a few companies and sell myself...maybe. I can't believe how difficult it is to get a job here now - my brother was out of work for a month and not exactly sitting back. he spent every day applying, following up, reading job sections in newspapers. he applied for everything!! he eventually got a saturday job and ended up taking a job in the company he's worked with for the last however many years. it came just in time 'cos he had no money left...literally. £7 left in his overdraft limit and that was it. The job was a lucky break too 'cos they didn't know he was looking for work, just called to see what he was up to and if he could help them out. well, he decided to go back since they pay lots and he'll be on proper salary. I couldn't believe how long he was looking for. and now i've been here for a month and no luck. I heard a girl in the bus telling her friend that she'd applied for up to 200 jobs and got one interview and managed to get the job - didn't matter what it was, she was gonna take that job cos she wasn't gonna get anything else very easily. I'm really shocked at the state of the job market here.
Anyways, i'm here...not just a couple weeks - i'll be here for the next 6 months pretty much. i'm looking forward to phoning the places i had job interviews at last week and finding out what feedback they have for me in terms of interview technique.
ah - the post...got to put it away still. i do jobs in little bits so that it lasts a long time. i did the post ages ago and put half of it away to the appropraite people so now i've got to get the rest into the correct pigeon holes. not so easy when you don't know people's names nor their role in the company.
Right - off to have a great day. it's now 10.30 and i'm almost done with all the stuff that's landed on my desk...not much more on the horizon.